Everything I Hold is Wet

performance, video, clay, textiles, DSLR camera, tripods 45:00
For this performance I explore, through installation and movement, how to translate personal and historical archives into my body and objects, and ask in what ways do haptic translations simultaneously obscure, deepen and hybridize existing knowledge?
The performance project consists of an installation comprised of physical representations of research, a significant presence of cameras to emphasize documentation, and an hour long performance that follows an audio visual score that guides the entire work. The work is in response to the Iranian Oral History Archive, produced by the Harvard Library, that is host to interviews with Iranian individuals connected to political movements in Iran, archived and transcribed.
“The collection consists of the personal accounts of 134 individuals who played major roles in or were eyewitnesses to important political events in Iran from the 1920s to the 1980s. Of these, 118 narratives have been digitized and are available to researchers through this database. The collection provides scholars and practitioners the opportunity to listen to and read the personal accounts of many of Iran's former political leaders as they recall the times and events that shaped their lives and the life of their country.”
performance, video, clay, textiles, DSLR camera, tripods 45:00
For this performance I explore, through installation and movement, how to translate personal and historical archives into my body and objects, and ask in what ways do haptic translations simultaneously obscure, deepen and hybridize existing knowledge?
The performance project consists of an installation comprised of physical representations of research, a significant presence of cameras to emphasize documentation, and an hour long performance that follows an audio visual score that guides the entire work. The work is in response to the Iranian Oral History Archive, produced by the Harvard Library, that is host to interviews with Iranian individuals connected to political movements in Iran, archived and transcribed.
“The collection consists of the personal accounts of 134 individuals who played major roles in or were eyewitnesses to important political events in Iran from the 1920s to the 1980s. Of these, 118 narratives have been digitized and are available to researchers through this database. The collection provides scholars and practitioners the opportunity to listen to and read the personal accounts of many of Iran's former political leaders as they recall the times and events that shaped their lives and the life of their country.”